Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year!

So Christmas was great skyping everyone!!! The members took good care of us here and so we ate lots of food and I think I gained weight...again....shoot!!! But later today I will be on a flight to Barc for a meeting with President Pace and the other zone leaders so hopefully the rest of my xmas stuff is there.

But now we are just back to the grind and we are all kind of excited to pass the new year and been done with the holidays so we can have more work because nobody wants to hear from us over the holidays.  Gladys didn’t come to church so she isn’t getting baptized this week because she had to work but she will still get baptized really soon!!

But this miracle was so incredible. We were walking one day and this old lady stopped my companion in the street and asked if we were the testigos (go figure). So we said no and she said oh well I like to read there revistas. So I contacted her and we set a visit for the next day. We went to visit her Sunday morning and she is so incredible nice and we invited her to be baptized and she said yes!!! She is 84 years old and from Granada (place in Spain). It is such a miracle. We are seeing her again on Wednesday and I can’t wait to see her get baptized if all goes well. She thinks we are the greatest; she kept calling us her hijos ha ha. 84 years old!!! You never know who God has prepared and EVERYONE needs the chance to be baptized. So we will see what happens. 

I am so thankful for all my family and friends and all the support that you all give me.  I couldn’t ask for a better family of better friends, I really couldn’t!!! I love you all so much and grateful that we can be members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  What a blessing. Feliz Año!!

Elder Farah

Here’s my new address:

C/ Joan Massanet i Moragues 4, 3B
Palma De Mallorca 
España 07010

Opening presents a week early!

Celebrating the New Year with friends

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Remember Las Islas

Well, I love this place. It is a paradise and there is work to do!! I am so excited and my companion is a stud.  He is not the zone leader, we all live in the same piso but me and my zone leader companion are split with newer missionaries. I am with Elder Burnett and he is from Utah and I love his guts. After like day one we were best friends. He is a ball player too and we have a lot in common and are excited to work together and see miracles we need a stake out there!! We are spread out over 3 islands and it is the 3rd biggest zone in the mission. 

Well we are seeing so many miracles here in Palma and we have only been together for a few days. But the one that really stuck out to me was with a woman named Gladys. My first morning Elder Burnett was explaining to me the area and I was looking through some names and contacts and what not. So I called this woman and we went to visit her that afternoon. She had had one lesson from the missionaries before and had come to church once so I don’t know why they lost contact. We went and taught her a powerful lesson on the Book of Mormon and baptism. We left her 2nd Nephi 31 to read. We go back the next day and she says to us ¨I read and I understand I have to be baptized, I am going to get baptized¨ I about jumped out of my chair!!! She couldn’t come to church because she was working, but she looks good for the fourth. The Book of Mormon works miracles and we are going to baptize the world!!!

Yeah so I will be calling about 7:00 Spain time so like 11:00 Utah time and will have about 40 minutes.  The branch is taking care of us out here, they are so great!! It is a big branch but since it is a district not a stake there are no wards. But other than that just trying to get settled out here in the islas!! And I haven’t seen anything too pretty yet, our part of the island is kinda ugly ha ha but I love you all and hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas!! Feliz Naivdad!!! 

Elder Farah

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Didn't See That Coming!!!

Well not sure how to say this.  But later today I will be catching a flight straight from Bilbao to an island called Palma de Mallorca to be the new Zone Leader!!! I was so shocked when President called me.  We are in the middle of the transfer but a zone leader out there went home 3 weeks early to start school at BYU and so president says he needs me to go take his spot and serve as Zone Leader.  I am really excited but nervous at the same time. It is a zone consisting of 3 islands. It is a district of 6 branches and they are working on getting a stake. Every unit is a branch. So again it is so great to be a part of building the church in Spain. President said we need a stake out there so that means baptisms, reactivations, and setting an example for the missionaries in the zone. Let’s go get a stake of Zion!!

But I had no idea that was coming so I didn’t have a lot of time today to say goodbye to people, and yesterday we had a zone conference in Bilbao with President Pace (hence why today is preparation day).  But we had a family night last night at the church and so I was able to say goodbye to a lot of people there and they had me bear my testimony in church Sunday, after they found out I was leaving Saturday. I really will miss this place, I have never worked so hard, walked so much, or contacted and knocked so much but I learned a ton. And the members really are great, and they were very sad to see me go, especially before Christmas because I had made plans with all of them to eat!! Ha ha so it’s a bummer to go a week before Christmas, but I am excited to serve the zone.

Well that’s about it, time to go do some work out on the islands!!! 

Elder Farah

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It's Cold!

Dang it is so cold!! On the bright side it stopped raining a little bit so that is always good. But I hear it has been freezing over there on American soil and that Utah got wrecked with some snow, so I can’t complain.

Big news is that we are a trio of missionaries now!!! An elder who was in the office in Barc got sent up to us and so now we are 3.  He is here to take my spot, but we still have another month till transfers so we are the Big 3 till then.  The elder we got is a stud, we get along way great.

Crazy thing. We had 12 to 2:00 p.m. to contact the other morning and it was actually sunny and a little warm so we just went hard and talked to like every soul we possible could and got like 20 numbers between the 3 of us and that is a ton for 2 hours!! It was really funny, we just took advantage of the sunshine that we don’t see a lot. It was a good experience.

Other than that not much else happened, just trying to find people to baptize. Sorry this letter is boring, not much else!! Christmas is upon us, our branch dinner is this week. I am going to be Santa Claus, I bought I Santa suit :) I will send pictures. Love you all!!
Elder Farah

Elder Farah bought Santa hats for his zone

Monday, December 2, 2013

Elder Farah went bowling on P-Day and even though he has not bowled in over a year he did pretty good! He is "Messi," the bottom score of 177.

Happy December!!

So the good thing about having such an old piso is that there is tons of stuff from over the years and we found some Christmas stuff and we have a tree that lights up!!! So we set it up last week and we are feeling the Christmas spirit for sure. I even bought a cheap Santa suit to do some crazy things with :)

As far as the work goes we are struggling a bit, we are going so hard and not seeing much. So then that makes us go harder, when we don’t see much and still nothing. But we keep pressing forward!! I know that the Lord will bless us soon and we will see miracles for working hard.  I know them baptisms are out there!

Miracle came on Sunday night, yesterday. We were passing by some antiguo investigators because it was freezing outside so there was nobody out and we didn’t have a lot of visits set. And we were not seeing much luck at first, and in-between we were knocking and contacting and nothing. But then we went by this lady’s registro which was really good, but I don’t know why the missionaries stopped visiting her. She opens the door and is extremely nice from Brazil and has a husband!!! So now we got her new phone number and we are going back this week to visit her.  And they are in the middle of moving pisos she said because they want to have kids in the future, that means they are all about family. And we got the perfect message!!! Families can be together forever is what I am thinking about sharing....
Other than that we are just pressing forward. It hasn’t rained as much this week (thank goodness), but got colder.  Hope thanksgiving was well!!! 

Elder Farah